In my opinion, a major problem in the United States is the issue of women's rights, or the lack of them. While it is true that there has been a great improvements in laws concerning the health and safety of women within I would say the past 3-4 decades, there are still plenty of improvements to be made. The government on every level (municipal, county, state, and national) need to improve laws or create new ones that ensure women have the right to choose when it comes to their reproductive health, that there is not so much of a hassle when it comes to filing restraining orders against abusive husbands or boyfriends, and that there are stricter, more harsher laws in place for those that commit crimes against women (rape, molestation, abuse. etc) Most of the laws now concerning women are very lax when it comes to punishing those accused or they are intrusive and show no respect.
This is a link to a article concerning an abortion bill recently passed in South Dakota
Some interesting statisitcs regarding crimes against women
Video on healthcare bill that was passed in 2010 regarding women's health
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