Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Week 2 (Late)

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Week 14

Some interesting statisitcs regarding crimes against women
Video on healthcare bill that was passed in 2010 regarding women's health
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Positive Aspects of Religion and Education
Although there are numerous religions that can be found throughout the world, most, if not all share a common theme or aspect which is charity, or treating others the way you wish to be treated. There is this almost unanimous agreement that treating others fairly and with respect is how you live a positive life, or make it to heaven, paradise, or whatever your particular religion calls the afterlife. This concept can be used to improve education greatly. In many middle schools and high schools, community service is part of the requirement to graduate. For some, it may be exactly that, just a requirement, but I am sure that there are a great number of students who enjoy it, and actually gained something positive and fulfilling from that experience. I know for myself personally, while it started out as a tedious requirement, I ended up learning a lot about myself and now when I get the chance, I like to do volunteer work on my own free will, I like to help others and feel as if I am making a contribution, and hopefully these experiences are helping to mold me into a better person. If there was a way to make charity work or community service part of the school curriculum instead of just something that needs to be done to graduate, I think it would really help better the students and make them want to make a change in their communities and other people's lives. There definitely is no negative outcome from helping others.
This a link to a study done on how community service helps benefits students.
This a link to a study done on how community service helps benefits students.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I'm sure for a lot of people, a "traditional" family is the mom, dad, 2.5 kids, and the dog. However, times have changed and for a lot of people that is not even close to what their family resembles. For me personally, I like to thing that I have a few different families. For the first half of my life, my grandparents raised me along with two of my cousins, and than I lived with my mother who was a single parent. They, to me are my biological family. Then I have my god-family who couldn't be any closer to me if we were blood related. There is a bond and closeness between my biological and god-family because we've lived together, grew up together, and share similar values. I no longer consider myself Catholic or Christian, but my family is, and when I was younger I think their faith is what helped keep us together through difficult times. Not only that, I have a group of friends that I went to school with and we've all known each other for over ten years. We still talk daily, hang out during the weekends, help each other out financially and emotionally and I consider us to be a "family" as well. I don't think there is one single definition of what a family is, it's different for each person. I think that if there is a bond, if you love and respect one another, that is a family in itself.
This is a link to what certain people's definitions of what a family is:
I agree that a family can have an impact on the greater society, be it negative and/or positive. A family, no matter who it is comprised off is where most if not all people learn right from wrong, how to interact with others, morals, and religious beliefs, etc. Than they take that out into the world and act according to what they've grown up learning and believing. If you are from a family that stresses giving back to the community and they have taught you to be a good person, than that's how you'll live your life out in the world. And if you're from a family where you were surrounded by violence, didn't stress education or good morals that is also how you will behave in public. In order for there to be a positive impact within the global community, families need to make sure they are raising respectful, law abiding, open minded individuals who can contribute to society instead of being deviants that take from it.
This is a link to what certain people's definitions of what a family is:
I agree that a family can have an impact on the greater society, be it negative and/or positive. A family, no matter who it is comprised off is where most if not all people learn right from wrong, how to interact with others, morals, and religious beliefs, etc. Than they take that out into the world and act according to what they've grown up learning and believing. If you are from a family that stresses giving back to the community and they have taught you to be a good person, than that's how you'll live your life out in the world. And if you're from a family where you were surrounded by violence, didn't stress education or good morals that is also how you will behave in public. In order for there to be a positive impact within the global community, families need to make sure they are raising respectful, law abiding, open minded individuals who can contribute to society instead of being deviants that take from it.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Social Experiment

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Racial Discrimination
I don't know if it's because I may be naive or just completely unaware of my surroundings at times, but up until recently, perhaps one or two years ago I didn't think that I had ever been a victim of racial discrimination. I come from a bi-racial family, grew up in the suburbs of Montgomery County, Maryland and went to Catholic and private schools up until high school. Throughout my entire life I had been exposed to different cultures and races, and even until this day many of my close friends come from different racial and ethnic backgrounds than me. Whenever I was treated unfairly, I choose to believe it was just because that particular person was a jerk, and would have treated a Caucasian the exact same way. That changed a couple of years ago when my daughter was born. My daughter is also of mixed race, and to me she just looks like a little brown baby, I cant pinpoint any one race that I see in her, but apparently other people view her in a different light. There have been several different incidents where me and my daughter have been out in public, sometimes with her father, and we have gotten such outright, dirty looks, it makes me want to tear up at the fact that there are people out there who will treat my daughter unfairly just because they are assuming what race she is.
One particular incident was extremely disturbing. I had my daughter with me at Wheaton Mall, which is in a predominately Latino neighborhood. An African American couple walked by us, looked at me and my child, and the man said out loud, "God, these people are just taking over, and they always have so many damn kids." I'm assuming by "these people" he suspected us to be Latino, and for whatever reason I had to let him know I did not appreciate his comment. I'd like to think that I am pretty reserved, but something struck a nerve and I proceeded to yell and cursed at him and his wife for a good ten minutes, letting them know how ignorant I felt they were, along with a few other choice words. Its hard for me to believe that in 2011 there are so many ignorant and racist people. Screaming and yelling may not have been the best way to go about it, and if I could go back, I probably would have told that couple in a more polite way to die slow, and stop worrying about what me and "these people" are doing. Even than, I feel like there is little that can be done to change a person's biased or prejudice views. Hate is learned, and by the time these people are adults, there ignorant views are so embedded in their brains, any other opinion is probably foreign to them. However I plan on continuing to live my life as I see fit, and ignore these uneducated, racist people, and teach my daughter to do the same.
One particular incident was extremely disturbing. I had my daughter with me at Wheaton Mall, which is in a predominately Latino neighborhood. An African American couple walked by us, looked at me and my child, and the man said out loud, "God, these people are just taking over, and they always have so many damn kids." I'm assuming by "these people" he suspected us to be Latino, and for whatever reason I had to let him know I did not appreciate his comment. I'd like to think that I am pretty reserved, but something struck a nerve and I proceeded to yell and cursed at him and his wife for a good ten minutes, letting them know how ignorant I felt they were, along with a few other choice words. Its hard for me to believe that in 2011 there are so many ignorant and racist people. Screaming and yelling may not have been the best way to go about it, and if I could go back, I probably would have told that couple in a more polite way to die slow, and stop worrying about what me and "these people" are doing. Even than, I feel like there is little that can be done to change a person's biased or prejudice views. Hate is learned, and by the time these people are adults, there ignorant views are so embedded in their brains, any other opinion is probably foreign to them. However I plan on continuing to live my life as I see fit, and ignore these uneducated, racist people, and teach my daughter to do the same.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Formal and Informal Social Control
For this week's blog assignment I chose question number 1, which asks: "What mechanisms of formal and informal social control are evident in your college classes and day-to-day life and social interactions at Montgomery College?" This is a great question, because I can come up with a number of different examples. To start, according to Schaefer, social control is defined as "the techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in anysociety." (158) Social control can occur in any and all aspects of society. Informal and formal social control are used "to encourage conformity and obedience-and to discourage violation of social norms." (160) The text list certain facial expressions as an example of casually enforcing informal social control. This type of control can be used by anyone. However, formal social control is usually carried out by those in a position of power and/or authority such as a police officer, judge, or principal of a school.
When I first started attending Montgomery College in 2007 I had an accident with another student attending the school as well that involved physical violence against me. I had to contact campus security and I believe possibly the head of the school. The other student involved was reprimanded and ordered to stay away from me on campus and there was a report filed that went on there record. This would be an example of formal social control. Campus security was called in to keep an eye on that particular student and to make sure that type of deviant behavior did not occur again on campus. Another example of informal social control is when campus control has to go around issuing tickets for vechiles that are parked on campus without the correct stickers needed. Campus security are an example of authorized agents in charge of making sure students act accordingly.
An example of informal social control on the Montgomery College campus that I have personally witnessed are teachers or other school employees raising their eyebrows or giving a stern look to students that may be either talking too loud in the Resource Center or using inappropriate language as a way of letting this students know their behavior is inappropriate for the social setting they are currently in. From what I have seen, most students seem to comply with this type of non verbal discipline.
Both informal and formal social control are an everyday part of life that most people may not even know they are complying with the majority of the time. This type of social control is no different for Montgomery College.
When I first started attending Montgomery College in 2007 I had an accident with another student attending the school as well that involved physical violence against me. I had to contact campus security and I believe possibly the head of the school. The other student involved was reprimanded and ordered to stay away from me on campus and there was a report filed that went on there record. This would be an example of formal social control. Campus security was called in to keep an eye on that particular student and to make sure that type of deviant behavior did not occur again on campus. Another example of informal social control is when campus control has to go around issuing tickets for vechiles that are parked on campus without the correct stickers needed. Campus security are an example of authorized agents in charge of making sure students act accordingly.
An example of informal social control on the Montgomery College campus that I have personally witnessed are teachers or other school employees raising their eyebrows or giving a stern look to students that may be either talking too loud in the Resource Center or using inappropriate language as a way of letting this students know their behavior is inappropriate for the social setting they are currently in. From what I have seen, most students seem to comply with this type of non verbal discipline.
Both informal and formal social control are an everyday part of life that most people may not even know they are complying with the majority of the time. This type of social control is no different for Montgomery College.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Team 1: Anti-Mass Media
During Wednesday's group activity I was part of group 1 which came up with the arguments against mass media. Group 2 was of course pro-mass media and in their defense they suggested that although an audience can and will be socialized by mass media it is normally in a positive way, such as keeping people up to date on certain trends and news going on around the world. However, more often than not, the socialization that occurs is a negative one. The media constantly pounds into the audiences (group or individual) that in order to be part of the "in" crowd, or to be like your favorite celebrity, drink this liquor, smoke this brand of cigarettes, buy these clothes, or buy this new car to be fulfilled in life. It makes for a materialistic, self centered society. The other question was how does mass media impact social change and/or social change. Group 1 argued that in the recent news, mass media has helped people become involved in volunteer efforts and donating to national disasters like the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami in Indonesia. However, one could argue what about the millions of people who live in third world countries where technology is either not as advanced as it is in say the United States, or there is no access to technology (Internet, television, cell phones) at all. Citizens of these countries are not affected by the media, so there is no way to start any sort of social movement or social change.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Human Rights Violations:Child Labor
The topic I chose for this assignment is the issue of child labor laws, or the lack of them in different areas of the world, especially third world countries. For Americans, I'm sure not to much thought is given when you wear a pair of Nike sneakers, or slip on clothing purchased from Wal Mart or manufactured by Hanes. All three of these companies though are on the long list of companies that violate child labor laws. Although these are all American companies and brand names, they all outsource to international countries where I assume it is less expensive to pay these worker's salaries, and unfortunately certain laws and regulations concerning human rights are not enforced. According to the International Labor Organization in a report from 2009, an estimated 200 million children in over 80 countries were forced to work in unsafe working conditions. Young children being forced to work is clearly a human rights organization just in the simple fact that they are being forced. In many situations these vulnerable children are working in tiny, cramped factories with little sunlight, working 8 to 10 hours shifts if not longer, which leaves no time for school and getting an education. Now, I'm sure in a lot of cases the children come from poor, disadvantaged families living in poverty that need the extra income that their children bring in, however even if it is absolutely necessary for these children to work, their environment still needs to be a safe and humane one, with room still to attend school. The American companies that take their business overseas need to make it clear that they will not stand for human rights violations as long as their name is involved, and insist that labor laws are properly regulated within their companies and with their employees. Im sure that critics, mainly those in these third world countries, may use cultural relativism as an excuse for this inhumane practice. Arguing that it is normal for children to share the burden of bringing in income, that they are given breaks and proper pay are still no excuse for children to miss out their childhood all in the name of a few dollars.
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