Friday, February 25, 2011

Team 1: Anti-Mass Media

During Wednesday's group activity I was part of group 1 which came up with the arguments against mass media. Group 2 was of course pro-mass media and in their defense they suggested that although an audience can and will be socialized by mass media it is normally in a positive way, such as keeping people up to date on certain trends and news going on around the world. However,  more often than not, the socialization that occurs is a negative one. The media constantly pounds into the audiences (group or individual) that in order to be part of the "in" crowd, or to be like your favorite celebrity, drink this liquor, smoke this brand of cigarettes, buy these clothes, or buy this new car to be fulfilled in life. It makes for a materialistic, self centered society. The other question was how does mass media impact social change and/or social change. Group 1 argued that in the recent news, mass media has helped people become involved in volunteer efforts and donating to national disasters like the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami in Indonesia. However, one could argue what about the millions of people who live in third world countries where technology is either not as advanced as it is in say the United States, or there is no access to technology (Internet, television, cell phones) at all. Citizens of these countries are not affected by the media, so there is no way to start any sort of social movement or social change.


  1. It is a shame that we didn't have more time to prepare and debate, we would have rocked. I agree with you and your views. It is funny/ironic to listen to the views of my neighbors back home in Western Pa. bording West Virgina. They listen to Fox News and pretty much nothing else. In listening to Fox, on rare occasions, I get a kick out of them and also get very angry at their version of the news. It is completely onesided and often their own beliefs/views (the reporters that is.) Try changing a hillbilly's mind once it is made up. To them, Fox News is like the words from the Bible. Again, the news goes from one extreme to other on the scales, no middle ground.

  2. Hi L. Travis -

    Very good rebuttal. I am also on your team. Mass Media is a "big business" and they portray two viewpoints. 1) the side of the advertiser that is paying them big bucks and 2) their own corporate cultures views. There is very little that is non-bias about mass media.

    Thanks for your blog.

    p.s. I am a Gemini also :-)

  3. You make some good points. Mass media does have a huge impact on our lives, and often influences us more than we realize or would even like. It's simply true: they do set the standards of society and create and enforce the norms of our daily life. But I have to step back and ask myself: where would our world be today without mass media? At least the US would be in an extremely different situation. The media has really pulled us together as a nation and society whether we like it or not.

  4. Hi,i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading your blog. I really did learn something from your blog that helped me increse my knowledge. However, it is true that we can not live one moment without mass media. But at that other hand mass media can creat various gossip which can affect as people harmfully. Such as, few scientist claim that the world will be destroyed in 2012. When many other heard that they were scared for their lives. Anyways, i wanted to say i agree with your post.
